Bitcoin Cryptocurrency news Ethereum NFT Investment

Bitcoin Overtakes Ethereum for First Time in 24-Hour NFT Sales Shift

On November 8, 2023, the Bitcoin blockchain saw its non-fungible token (NFT) asset sales surpass those of the Ethereum platform, marking a historic change over the single-day period. According to analytics provided by, Bitcoin-based NFT transactions totaled $17.17 million, surpassing the $15.77 million in Ethereum NFT sales recorded during the 24-hour period.

Bitcoin Eclipse Ethereum NFT Sales Increase in a Day

The trend of Bitcoin NFT transactions has been on an upward trajectory as of late, and just three days ago, News highlighted that Bitcoin took second place in NFT sales over the course of a week. For the first time, Ordinal’s subscriptions to Bitcoin, its exclusive brand of NFT, surpassed sales of Ethereum in a 24-hour period on Wednesday.

NFT connoisseur Leonidas, founder of, documented this unprecedented on-chain event, marking the occasion when Bitcoin-based NFTs leapt ahead of their Ethereum counterparts for the first time in history. Leonidas said:

   Breaking: Ordinals just invested in Ethereum NFTs for the first time. So of course I had to register it in Bitcoin forever.

Recently, ordinal entries witnessed a notable drop in activity that persisted for over a month. This decline followed an increase in daily mintage; Thereafter, the number of new registrations faced a persistent struggle until October 24. However, the tide has since turned and November 4 saw the second-highest number of registrations in a single day, with a total of 433,471.

Looking at the one-week performance of NFT sales, Ethereum has seen an increase, raising $79.61 million since Wednesday, November 1, 2023, which is a 45.66% increase over the week. previous, as reported by In comparison, weekly Bitcoin NFT sales also saw an increase, showing a 661.60% increase from the previous week, with sales reaching $55.52 million.

On Wednesday, the “$SATS BRC-20 NFT” collection surpassed the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) series, reaching the top of the sales chart. Behind BAYC, “$RATS BRC-20 NFT” took third place in sales in the last 24 hours. The chances of Bitcoin NFTs taking the top spot next week are slim, as Ethereum already has a $24.09 million lead.